The Lonely Impulse, Issue 0001
The Lonely Impulse is a periodical zine, published as needed, by Urgent Beauty Squad.
Issue #0001 introduces the theme of Art Power — Deploying the Arts so Free Societies Prevail in an Age of Information Warfare.
Feature article: "ART POWER: 1) BLUF" by Jens Köhler
The Art Power series asks: can free societies...
• deploy the arts for information warfare defense as effectively as they deploy alliances, logistics, weapons, warfighters, and training for kinetic warfare offense?
• deploy the arts for cognitive homeland security?
And, if so, how?
Issue has artwork and other content about the Urgent Beauty Squad art village.
Black & white. Dab of color on cover applied by hand. Each copy number-stamped by hand. First edition. First printing. Run of 200. 5.5" x 8.5". Stapled.
#ArtPower #ArtPower1 #BLUF #JensKöhler #JensKohler #NationalSecurity #NatSec #NatSexy #Arts #Artists #ArtsEcosystem #ArtsNatSec #NatSecArts #MindWar #InformationWarfare #Democracy #Non-Fiction #Policy #Ideas #CognitiveHomelandSecurity #independentpublishing #2020 #LosAngeles #California #TheLonelyImpulse #UrgentBeautySquad #zine #zines